Pendulum [FF]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 15:49:58 GMT
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He had been acting recklessly after he was given a request he couldn't refuse that he suddenly asked the help of the first person he thought would have a clue on what to do. A total stranger she was, though he somehow managed to drag her with him all the way to the woods.

A sap story or two about a local kid with a connection to an important government figure afterwards was all he needed to get her to tag along, probably. Or maybe she simply pitied him cause he was getting desperate. Not like Kyle cared as long as he got the assistance that he needs to get what he wants.

"Hey, do you have any knowledge on medicine?" he finally asks as they arrive at Petalburg Woods.

Eyes wandered from one specie of flora to another instead of his companion when he spoke. "Or plants in general," he adds. "They said ingredients for the herbal concoction or whatever it was could be found here." The specifics were hazy at best, if he even bothered to learn them at all. Kyle could not keep up well with tradition medicine even though his grandparents had used them too some time before.

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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2019 2:05:27 GMT
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Ash would be lying if she said she didn’t care about the current circumstances of the request she was asked to help on. While typically she wouldn’t care too much about the goings on of some random kid of some random ass government figure and them getting sick but this was much more serious.

So she decided to tag along, her own dumb feelings and conscious getting to her. Even if she wasn’t bugged by some guy to come along she probably would have gone regardless. She supposed it was that Redgrave blood in her that made her such a sucker for this sort of thing.

So here she was in the middle of the woods with some man she didn’t even really know to find some medicine to cure some death sickness….fun. When the man finally spoke Ash was a bit dumbstruck at the question and the words that followed.

”You waited until now to ask that question? Jeez I knew you were desperate but man.” What was he going to do if he couldn’t find anyone? Grab any and everything he could get his hands on and hope he grabs the right ingredients? It was so silly she almost laughed at the thought.

”Well lucky for you I do in fact “have knowledge on medicine.” She laughed. ”Wrote down everything we’ll need and have a good idea of where to find it. And who knows maybe we’ll befriend some Pokémon like in that story.” Ash whipped out her small notebook which had the ingredients written down and where they might be able to find it in the forest. ”Alright let’s get moving, don’t have any time to waste.” She waved for the man to follow her.


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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2019 18:27:32 GMT
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"My timing's impeccable, I know," he'd dryly respond to her first statement.

He figured he could probably just look in the internet should she not know (which isn't the case most likely). Still, eyes widened when she mentioned possessing such knowledge, turning around with interest. "Nice!" He knew he dragged the right girl along. She seemed to be the responsible kind of person, one that could take the lead. Best case scenario was that she does everything needed to get the materials they need.

"Definitely lucky," he'd repeat, nodding his head in agreement. "Just take the lead and I'll see what I can do to help."

Shame was not something he felt when it meant having his work cut for him. All he needed to do was to state his willingness to do what he can and it was enough to take the guilt off of his chest. Besides, it was him that asked for her help and she agreed. She was bound to a verbal contract that justified him relying on her, or something like that.

"If you ever need something specific, I can always get my Mightyena out. He can differentiate Pokemon species by their scents. I dunno if that works with plants, but yeah."

She probably has everything down anyways, but at least he can say that he didn't try to contribute after this.


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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2019 21:05:51 GMT
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”That might come in handy.” Ash replied, nose in her notebook. Her eyes shifted between the words on the page and the forest ahead. Her divided focus being the reason as to why she gave such a half-hearted reply to Kyle. If he asked her what he just said there was a good chance she couldn’t repeat it back to him.

They needed some leaves and herbs but the only way to get them was to find Budews which given their environment might be a bit tricky. But there were some tells that if you were vigilant you could spot.

Luckily Ash was such a person and after a few moments of wandering about she found some evidence of Budew. ”Ah here we go!” She rushed over to the sight, putting away her notebook, and looked over the scene.

A few items they were looking for were here but it was definitely not enough for making the medicine. It was disappointing but not unexpected; they’d have to find Budew or a fresh nest to possibly find some more. But this was perfect opportunity for Kyle’s Pokémon to shine. After she was done collecting she turned to Kyle.

”Think you Mightyena can catch the scent of the Budews that were here?” Ash asked. ”Not enough ingredients here for the medicine.”


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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 23:14:36 GMT
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Kyle stared at his Pokemon for a few moments, before coming back to Ash. "Yeah, of course. That's what I'm here for."

He'd nudge his Mightyena close to the spot that Ash pertained to, with the canine doing work immediately after being pushed to a direction. Nose would stick to the ground, taking in any scent they may find and extracting the certain Budew aroma from the mixture of odors from the forest floors. An easy enough job, considering that the Pokemon they were finding for were from the variety of Grass-types that actually smelled good without having an overly pungent smell.

The Mightyena raises his head as he finished, barking once to alert both Kyle and Ash, before moving his nose back to the ground. It started to move as it sniffed, leading them to where the nest of Budew were.

"What are we doing with the Budew when we get them? Rip their leaves off?"

An icebreaker of sorts. The Mightyena's pacing was much faster than some untrained canine asked to track a scent, but then again, Kyle did not know whether the task of finding their nest would take too long. Apparently, it didn't. It only took a few minutes before they were finally at where the Budew were, with his Mightyena giving a softer bark, tail wagging as it did its job. It earned the Dark-type a pat on the head.

"Here we are, I guess."

It was a well hidden place that one couldn't have imagined would house a bunch of Grass-types, but they found it nonetheless.

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 23:55:30 GMT
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”Well hopefully it won’t come to us having to rip them off.” Ash replied as she followed behind Kyle’s Mightyenna. As they walked Ash released her Ivysaur, the Pokémon was familiar with these woods and could possibly help them out.

”Hopefully when we find the Budew nest there will be what we need lying about and we won’t have to result to taking from the source.” There were a multitude of reasons as to why they’d find what they need scattered about at the nest. She caught Warden up to speed on what they were doing as it wouldn’t be much longer until they found the nest.

Ash didn’t rush in to get what they needed when they arrived at the nest no, she let Warden test the waters and make sure things go smoothly. The Ivysaur ended up being familiar with where they were and even some of the Pokémon.

Budew weren’t the only Pokémon in the nest their evolutions could be found as well which made things a bit tenser. One wrong move or if the stronger Pokémon were in a sour move they could end up having a fight on their hands. After a few minutes the Ivysaur came back to the two and gave a positive signal.

And much to her surprise some of the Pokémon gathered together some of what they needed. ”I’m going to get started on making the medicine, can you gather a bit more of what we need?” Ash had brought with them a kit with the equipment needed to make the medicine. She handed Kyle a piece of paper which had what was left written down.

”You should be able to find the rest around here. My Ivysaur should be able to help.” She added as she got to work. Not only was Warden able to help, the Budew and some of the other Pokémon seemed more than happy to help as well, it was kind of cute.


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POSTED ON Feb 21, 2019 11:30:20 GMT
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"Thank you for giving me the easy part, I guess."

Receiving the piece of paper, Kyle would take the time to attempt to read what was written. He had expected something scientific or technical, but thankfully, it was all simple. It was much less of a hassle to gather compared to the Budew leaves, he imagined. He'd have the help of Ash's Ivysaur to get him through the task, thankfully, which probably meant all he had to do was to use his opposable thumbs, which was an Ivysaur's weakness when it came to foraging.

"It's you and me now, Ivy."
It wasn't the Ivysaur's nickname. "We're going to have fun getting these things. Mostly you though."

He'd turn to his Mightyena for a moment. "You keep miss Redgrave company, Bravo." Kyle went to gather what was needed after the quick instruction for the Dark-type.

The trail of Grass-types went with him as he followed the lead of the Ivysaur to the outskirts of their nest, a soft humming tune from the Budew kept the mood light and easy as well. He'd set off, leaving Ash for a while, as he started gathering the rest of the ingredients for the medicine. Most of it were herbs and flowers, probably for tea, but Kyle never questioned it nevertheless.

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2019 0:14:55 GMT
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”Have fun you two~” Ash cooed, waving to Kyle and her Ivysaur as the two departed to find the rest of the ingredients that the woman would need to finish making the elixir. It wouldn’t take long to make but one mistake and everything would definitely go to shit.

Didn’t help that this wasn’t something she did every day so she was bit iffy on the exact minute details of every step. Nice of Kyle to leave his Mightyena with her while she did her work. Its name being Bravo made her suspicious if he had more than one Mightyena.

Ash’s Ivysaur did the best “thumbs” up he possibly could do when Kyle spoke to him. The grass-type worked diligently in showing the man the way and helped pick out exactly what they were going to need.

It was nice for the Ivysaur to be back in his old home where it was born and raised. That also meant it was easy for the Pokémon to find exactly what they were looking for and knowing where to find it. It didn’t take long and with the help of the Budew, they had way more than they needed.

Whenever they would come back from their scavenging they’d find Ash working at a little station she set up on a rather large rock she was essentially using as a table. She had a concoction going and after throwing in the rest of the ingredients it’d be good to drink.

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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2019 3:00:35 GMT
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They would come back with the procured ingredients for the concoction. It wouldn't take them long to locate where the rest of the ingredients they needed were, thanks to her Ivysaur. No moment was wasted with the Grass-type and the two of them would have the indicated amount at hand by the time they reached Ash in her little makeshift station.

"Hello, hello," he'd greet as they approached. "We're back."

The Ivysaur hands its trainer the objects they gathered. Kyle figured he'd rather have the enthusiastic Grass-type hand over the things they had to its trainer instead. Those were the last pieces of the solution to complete the remedy. They'll finish the task soon enough, most of it thanks to Ash. Like the kid with the least amount of participation in a school project, Kyle tries to help in the menial things.

"Ah! I'll contact the client now. Let them know that we're good now."

He'd take out his phone and started to attempt to get reception in the middle of the forest.

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POSTED ON Mar 1, 2019 19:23:21 GMT
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”Welcome back, boys.” She’d wave to the two foragers as they made their way back from their trip of gathering ingredients. With what they gathered it was more than enough for Ash to finish creating the elixir.

All she had to do was follow the instructions to the letter and she would be done with it. The process wasn’t a long one, which it might have been more of an ordeal back in the day but modern medicine and science were much more advanced than what it was.

Once she was about done Kyle wasted no time trying to contact the client to inform them of a job well done, which got a bit of a curious look from Ash. She didn’t have much faith that he’d be able to reach them all the out here in the middle of nowhere but as he did so she packed up her equipment, putting the elixir safe away in a protective container.

”I’d be surprised if you get any reception out here.” With all of her things packed up and ready to go she began to make her way out of the forest, following the lead of her Ivysaur.

”Alright let’s get out of here, shouldn’t take us too long.” Once they get out of here making it to the client and delivering the medicine would be no problem.

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